An Update from Riki: The Way Forward Together
See ALERT’S path forward as we work to continue to protect the community from oil-chemical disasters.
Read MorePRESS RELEASE: ALERT and Friends of San Juans to Co-Host Oil Spill Response Public Engagement Event
On Saturday, October 26, 4:00 PM at Brickworks, oil spill veteran and activist Dr. Riki Ottwill present, “Oil Spill Response: An Opportunity for Change.” The in-person event will hopefully be livestreamed.
Read More[BBC] The biggest oil spill in US history: What we’ve learned since Deepwater Horizon
Fourteen years after the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, would we fare any better at cleaning up another huge oil spill? Jocelyn Timperley examines the latest science of ocean clean-ups.
Read MoreThe Lori B Experience – “All This Awfulness”
After she was directly sprayed by Corexit 9527A on August 21, 2010, Alabama resident Lori Bosarge’s life would never be the same. Lori had photos to document her experience. Her story, “All This Awfulness,” was similar to thousands of others who encountered Corexit dispersants. Read the Lori B Experience here.
Read MorePRESS RELEASE: Groups Petition EPA to Ban Use of Oil Dispersants Discontinued by the Manufacturer —And Ask United Nation Bodies to Do the Same
A petition filed by Earth Island Institute’s ALERT Project and the Government Accountability Project asks the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to remove the two chemical dispersants, Corexit 9527A and 9500A that were used after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, from the list of products authorized under the National Contingency Plan (NCP) for…
Read MoreALERT Advocates United Nations Ban Corexit Dispersant
ALERT advocates United Nations adopt guidelines for truth-in-reporting rule like in the U.S. and take immediate action to remove Corexit products that manufacturers have voluntarily discontinued.
Read MoreSenator Markey calls upon EPA to address concerns about revised regulations governing the use of chemical dispersants
Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey sent a letter to the Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) urging a response to the revised regulations governing the use of chemical dispersants for oil spill responses.
Read More[AP] BP defeated thousands of suits by sick Gulf spill cleanup workers. But not one by a boat captain
The Associated Press tells the story of John Maas, a boat captain, who helped use his boat to cleanup the oil spill. The article discusses Maas’ legal battle and experience as a first responder, included being “crop dusted” with Corexit.
Read More[AP] Settlement to help sickened BP oil spill workers leaves most with nearly nothing
The Associated Press [AP] reports on the disappointing settlement for workers, first responders who worked to clean up the BP Oil Spill.
Read MoreGAP releases DEEP IMPACT Report on Ongoing Impact of Corexit Use
The Government Accountability Project released the fourth installment of its BP Oil Spill reports. The newest report, “DEEP IMPACT,” discusses the ongoing impact of Corexit’s use to clean up the 2010 BP Oil Spill. The report includes the Executive Summary of “An Opportunity to Make it Right” by ALERT’S Dr. RIki Ott.
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