Free Advocacy Toolkit

Help Ban Toxic Oil Dispersants in Just a Few Clicks

©Julie Dermansky
©Julie Dermansky

Know the facts with our quick and easy-to-understand Fact Sheet

Submit a resolution in just a few clicks with our Resolutions Template for City Councils

Submit a resolution in just a few clicks with our Resolution Template for Tribal Councils

Use our sample letters to contact the EPA, your congressional delegates and your state governor

If you are a resident of a coastal state, use our sample letter to ask your state governor to:

1)    Ban use of toxic dispersants in state waters.

2)    Require that dispersants only be approved on a case-by-case basis in adjacent federal waters with citizen-informed State and Tribal consensus.

[State action is necessary until the laws are changed to ban dispersants outright]


graphic SAFE EPA 2
Graphic SAFE EPA 1

Write your congressional members and ask them to:

1)    Insist that EPA bans dispersant use offshore and in the deep-sea;

2)    Change the Clean Water Act to disincentivize dispersants and to create special oil spill standards and long-term health monitoring for people with symptoms of oil chemical exposures;

3)    Establish a nationwide network of Regional Citizens’ Advisory Councils to hold federal agencies and responsible parties accountable for oil spill preparation and response as provided by the Oil Pollution Act.

Free Toxic Trespass Training Toolkit

Learn How to Identify and Prevent Chemical Illness

Learn how to gather and organize your health and exposure history and work with your Healthcare Provider to accurately diagnose and treat chemical illness with the Health Advocacy Guide.

Do a free self-assessment for chemical intolerance with the validated Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI):  screening questionnaire.

Teach yourself and others with the Toxic Trespass Training Manual and powerpoint slides

Watch a video of creators of this curriculum discussing it

The Toxic Trespass Training was created in, with, and by fence-line and environmental justice communities. Our team worked with an alliance of oil-spill survivors, academics, trained first responders, local residents, and community organizers in Houston, Mobile, and Coden, Alabama. Read the background >>


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