Dr. Riki Ott, PhD
Founder & Director

Riki Ott, PhD, is a marine toxicologist and former commercial fisherma’m who experienced the trauma and devastation of the Exxon Valdez oil spill firsthand. This became a vehicle for personal growth and her work in front-line communities to enhance public awareness of the enormous socio-economic costs of our oil dependency.
Ott blogs for Huffington Post, has written several books on socio-economic impacts of oil disasters, and appeared in award-winning documentaries on the nation’s largest maritime oil disasters ('Black Wave' and 'Dirty Energy').
In 2010, Ott was runner up for Huffington Post’s Game Changer in the Environment award for her volunteer work in Gulf coast communities after the BP disaster. In 2015, she received the Grace Lee Boggs Award from the Make It Safe Coalition for her work empowering people to have a voice in energy choices in their own backyard.
Ott directs two projects for the Earth Island Institute: UltimateCivics.org towards a healthy democracy; and AlertProject.org towards a healthy energy future.
Ott earned her doctorate in 1985 from the University of Washington School of Fisheries with an emphasis on the effects of heavy metals on benthic invertebrates. She earned her Masters of Science from the University of South Carolina, SC, Baruch Institute in marine biology with emphasis on effects of oil on zooplankton.

Lauren Smith
Media and Communications
Our Allies
National Tribal Emergency
Management Council
Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Alaska Inter-Tribal Coalition
Prince William Sound Regional
Citizens’ Advisory Council
Center for Biological Diversity
UC Berkeley Law School
(Berkeley, CA)
Earth Island Institute
(Berkeley, CA)
Government Accountability Project
SE Environmental Task Force
(Chicago, IL)
Breakfree Midwest
Response Network
Dunelands Environmental
Justice Alliance
Alliance for the Great Lakes
Southeast Side Coalition
to Ban Petcoke
(Chicago, IL)
350 Indiana
350 Kishwaukee
(DeKalb, Illinois)
Texas Environmental Justice
Advocacy Services
Achieving Community
Tasks Successfully
(Pleasantville, TX)
Arkansas Environmental
Justice Network
(Conway, AR)
Mobile Environmental Justice
Action Coalition
(Mobile, AL)
NAACP Mobile County Branch #5044
(Mobile, AL)
Sierra Club Delta Chapter,
Acadian Group
(Lafayette, LA)
South Bay Communities Alliance
(Coden, AL)
Steps Coalition
(Biloxi, MS)
Apalachicola Riverkeepers
Healthy Gulf
Louisiana Shrimpers Association
Vietnamese Boat People – SOS