The Lori B Experience – “All this Awfulness”

After she was directly sprayed by Corexit 9527A on August 21, 2010, Alabama resident Lori Bosarge’s life would never be the same. Lori had photos to document her experience. Her story, “All This Awfulness,” was similar to thousands of others who encountered Corexit dispersants.

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PRESS RELEASE: Groups Petition EPA to Ban Use of Oil Dispersants Discontinued by the Manufacturer —And Ask United Nation Bodies to Do the Same 

A petition filed by Earth Island Institute’s ALERT Project and the Government Accountability Project asks the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to remove the two chemical dispersants, Corexit 9527A and 9500A that were used after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, from the list of products authorized under the National Contingency Plan (NCP) for…

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