Tampa Bay Times: Florida workers got sick after Deepwater Horizon oil spill. They want BP to pay.
Tampa Bay Times reports on the more than 5,000 lawsuits filed in federal courts in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida.
Read MoreALERT requests Letter of Interpretation for OSHA cold/flu exemption
July 7, 2022. ALERT requested a letter of interpretation from OSHA of 1904.5(b)(2)(viii), an exemption to recording and reportability of an illness, which states an employer is “not required to record illnesses or injuries if… [t]he illness is the common cold or flu.” Specifically, ALERT asked how OSHA determines whether the common cold and flu is the source of an…
Read MoreGulf Coast Community Organizations & Allies for Environmental Justice Request President to Withdraw Rule on Dispersant Use Before It Goes into Effect
For Immediate Release Contacts: Riki Ott, Founder/Director, ALERT, a project of Earth Island Institute 206-853-2855, [email protected] Lesley Pacey, Founder/Director, Eastern Shore Community Health Partners, a Mobile Bay, Alabama, initiative to research chronic disease clusters 251-990-3515, [email protected] Berkeley, CA (January 18, 2022) — This week, a group of environmental-justice advocates and allies are calling on…
Read MoreALERT, Gulf Coast allies request action from EPA Administrator
September 30, 2021. Gulf coast community organizations and allies for environmental justice sent a letter to EPA Administrator Regan requesting four immediate actions in relation to ongoing dispersant litigation and the associated EPA rulemaking: Let the August 9, 2021, court decision stand – do not appeal it. Withdraw the final rule on monitoring for…
Read MoreOne step almost forward, two steps definitely backward – EPA pulls a fast one
On July 27, just weeks after the court indicated its inclination to rule in favor of the public interest in ALERT’s lawsuit on rules governing dispersant use, the EPA split its long-delayed final rule in two. The result is a further delay of the rules governing dispersant use while rushing ahead with a rule to monitor…
Read MoreScreening: “The Cost of Silence” at Half Earth Day Festival (Oct. 25, 2020)
Filmmaker Mark Manning met Riki Ott, a marine toxicologist, in Louisiana in the summer of 2010, when the BP Deepwater Horizon was still gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The disaster would become the largest oil spill in the U.S. at 221 million gallons. Over the next decade, Riki the scientist-activist and Mark the…
Read MorePetition to Bill and Melinda Gates — as shareholders of Ecolab — to help stop use and manufacture of toxic dispersants for oil spill response
Click here to sign the petition on Appeal to Bill and Melinda Gates — as shareholders of Ecolab — to help stop use and manufacture of toxic dispersants for oil spill response During a recent “cast” interview for the documentary A Concerned Citizen, now screening through the Global Peace Film Festival until…
Read MoreEPA stalls case
EPA filed a motion requesting that Judge Orrick reconsider his reasoned ruling on our Clean Water Act claim. EPA claimed that the Judge did not specifically address various issues it raised in its motion to dismiss our case. However, the Judge’s written opinion and the hearing transcripts both show that these issues were in…
Read MoreNOLA: ‘Game-changer’ ruling could restrict chemical dispersants on next big oil spill
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Read MoreThe Hill: Court says EPA must update its offshore oil spill response plan
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