The Problem: Dispersants

During the 2010 BP oil disaster, unprecedented amounts of toxic oil-based dispersants were used to allegedly minimize harm to people and wildlife from the crude oil itself, based largely on oil industry rhetoric.

Aerial spraying and deep sea injection of dispersants continued daily, for months. Nothing like this had ever been tried before — it was all a giant experiment.

The post-disaster science rewrote what was known or presumed to be true about Corexit dispersants. Oil-dispersant mixtures create a toxic cocktail that is deadly to wildlife and humans—much more toxic than oil alone.

Once the truth was exposed, the manufacturer discontinued making and selling Corexit dispersants. However, stockpiles exist around the world and are available for immediate use during marine oil spills including in every coastal state in the U.S.

Military aircraft drops toxic oil-dispersing chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico May 5, 2010, as part of the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Adrian Cadiz)
Military aircraft drops toxic oil-dispersing chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico May 5, 2010, as part of the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Adrian Cadiz)
2010. Lori Bosarge photo. Even a short exposure to oil-dispersant mixtures can lead to life-long health impacts.
2010. Lori Bosarge photo. Even a short exposure to oil-dispersant mixtures can lead to life-long health impacts.

This affects everyone.

The EPA is now required to maintain and update national emergency response plan for oil spills based on accurate and truthful new or relevant information concerning impacts or potential impacts of the product to human health or the environment. This is good news for some 133 million Americans who live near the coasts—that’s 39 percent of the U.S. population. But the EPA and your state lead agency need to hear from YOU about why YOU don’t want them to use Corexit dispersants.

It’s not a matter of if, but when the next oil-related disaster will occur.

Take a stand! Demand EPA and the states BAN Corexit dispersants.

Our Solutions

Legal Action

On August 19, 2024, ALERT and allies petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the new rules to remove, with cause, Corexit oil dispersants from the list of products authorized for use in oil spill response. Removing them would ban use.

The 2023 rules, obtained through ALERT’s lawsuit:

  • Provide rules to remove a product if the Manufacturer has provided technical information as part of the listing process that is misleading, inaccurate, incorrect, and outdated.
  • Allow a 2-year transition period for products to be tested under the new, more stringent rules that will eliminate the more toxic products.
  • Allow old products to be used during the transition period until December 12, 2025, UNLESS there is cause to remove a product earlier.

Citizen Action

Write EPA using ALERT’s template letter. Demand that EPA remove oil dispersants Corexit 9500A and 9527A effective immediately. The post BP oil disaster science shows even short-term exposure to these products can cause long-term harm to people and animals.
Write YOUR state lead agency for oil spill response and copy YOUR state Governor and Regional Response Team, using ALERT’s template letter. Demand that the state refuse to use these products in state waters and revoke its approval of preauthorization for use of Corexit dispersants in adjacent federal waters.
Download our Advocate Toolkit below to get started.
2010 Riki Ott. In 2010, the EPA did not have a process to remove oil spill response products that were more harmful to people and wildlife than intended. The new rules allow removal with cause. Corexit dispersants must be banned because they make oil spills more toxic than oil alone to humans and wildlife.
2010 Riki Ott. In 2010, the EPA did not have a process to remove oil spill response products that were more harmful to people and wildlife than intended. The new rules allow removal with cause. Corexit dispersants must be banned because they make oil spills more toxic than oil alone to humans and wildlife.

One-minute ways you can help.

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2010. Riki Ott. Graton Beach, Florida. Hands Across the Sands Rally to say NO to fossil fuels and YES to clean energy.
2010. Riki Ott. Graton Beach, Florida. Hands Across the Sands Rally to say NO to fossil fuels and YES to clean energy.

The Advocate Toolkit.

Know the facts with our quick and easy-to-understand Fact Sheet

Write a Letter to the EPA in just a few clicks with our EPA Letter Template

Write a letter to YOUR state lead agency for oil response and YOUR GOVERNOR in just a few clicks with our State Letter Template

Share with Local Media ALERT'S press release and share with us what YOU do to inspire others to join our campaign.

#ExitCorexit Campaign Guide

August 16, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to writing your own letters to the EPA and YOUR state to ban Corexit dispersant use.