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An Update from Riki: The Way Forward Together
See ALERT’S path forward as we work to continue to protect the community from oil-chemical disasters.

PRESS RELEASE: ALERT and Friends of San Juans to Co-Host Oil Spill Response Public Engagement Event
On Saturday, October 26, 4:00 PM at Brickworks, oil spill veteran and activist Dr. Riki Ottwill present, “Oil Spill Response: An Opportunity for Change.” The in-person event will hopefully be livestreamed.

[BBC] The biggest oil spill in US history: What we’ve learned since Deepwater Horizon
Fourteen years after the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, would we fare any better at cleaning up another huge oil spill? Jocelyn Timperley examines the latest science of ocean clean-ups.

PRESS RELEASE: Groups Petition EPA to Ban Use of Oil Dispersants Discontinued by the Manufacturer —And Ask United Nation Bodies to Do the Same
A petition filed by Earth Island Institute’s ALERT Project and the Government Accountability Project asks the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to remove the two chemical dispersants, Corexit 9527A and 9500A that were used after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, from the list of products authorized under the National Contingency Plan (NCP) for…

ALERT Advocates United Nations Ban Corexit Dispersant
ALERT advocates United Nations adopt guidelines for truth-in-reporting rule like in the U.S. and take immediate action to remove Corexit products that manufacturers have voluntarily discontinued.

Senator Markey calls upon EPA to address concerns about revised regulations governing the use of chemical dispersants
Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey sent a letter to the Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) urging a response to the revised regulations governing the use of chemical dispersants for oil spill responses.

Causes, Symptoms of Chemical Intolerance and Ways to Reduce Everyday Chemical Exposures
A Tutorial created by Dr. Claudia S. Miller, MD shows the causes and symptoms of chemical intolerance and ways to reduce everyday chemical exposure.

Large Population-Based Study of U.S Adults Analyze What Initiates Chemical Intolerance
A large population-based study of U.S. adults finds chemical intolerance is initiated by fossil fuel-derived toxicants from oil and natural gas, synthetic organic chemical derivatives like pesticides, and biogenic toxicants from mold and algal blooms.

Study Shows Improved Indoor Air Quality Lessens Chemical Intolerance Symptoms
A 2022 study published by Cambridge University Press shows that improved indoor air quality can lessen the symptoms of Chemical Intolerance after exposure to chemical inhalants.

[Reuters] Canada secures surrender of all offshore Pacific coast oil and gas permits
If Canada can do it, can the US too? Read about Canada’s recent strides to protect its waters after securing the surrender of the remaining permits for oil and gas development off its Pacific Coast.

Health & Safety Task Force Report Proposes Changes To Better Protect the Health of Workers and the Public During Oil Spills
A ground-breaking report identifies new programs and specific law changes to better protect worker health and public health during oil spills and chemical releases. The report is the initial work of the Health & Safety Task Force, co-chaired by ALERT and state officials from Washington and Oregon, that was chartered by the federal Regional Response…

ALERT Report Provides Nexus to Implement EPA Dispersant Use Regulations
Dr. Riki Ott’s report, “An Opportunity to Make it Right,” explains how EPA’s new rules for dispersant use during oil spill response (driven in part by ALERT’s lawsuit) provide an opportunity to institutionalize proactive state and local involvement in Area Committees to decide what dispersants to use, if any, during oil spill response. Ott recommends ways to get started,…

Amicus Letter Granted By Eleventh Circuit of Appeals
Written by ALERT’s Dr. Riki Ott, the Eleventh Court of Appeals accepted an amicus letter written in support of the plaintiff-appellants in BP Deepwater Horizon BELO cases v. Lester Jenkins, et. al. Her amicus advocates for the reversal of the district court’s order excluding the expert testimony of Dr. Freeman and Dr. Solomon. Ott calls…

PRESS RELEASE: Lawsuit Filed to Halt Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Project
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – [download PDF here]. Lawsuit Filed to Halt Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Project Army Corps Project Would Divert Mississippi Fresh Water, Mud and Toxins into the Barataria Wetland Basin with Devastating Impacts New Orleans, Louisiana –– Local commercial fishing organizations, health advocates, and conservationists filed a lawsuit today to halt the massive…

EPA’s New Rules on Oil Dispersants, Explained.
This background is intended to broaden the public understanding of the scope and significance of the 2023 updates to our nation’s emergency response plan – the “National Contingency Plan” (NCP) to protect our environment against hazardous waste releases, including oil spills. The rules were updated as a result of a 2020 lawsuit (Alert v. EPA). When…

The Guardian: Environmental Protection Agency US government toughens rules on chemicals used to break up oil slicks
“Environmental activists sued EPA to update regulations, after thousands of people sickened from Deepwater Horizon cleanup The Environmental Protection Agency has announced more stringent rules governing offshore oil spill response, amid continuing concerns about the effects on public health and wildlife from chemical disasters, including BP’s Deepwater Horizon explosion in 2010.” https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/14/epa-chemical-regulation-oil-spill-cleanup-exxon-valdez-bp

EPA Issues Final Rule Governing Use of Chemical Dispersants on Oil Spills (Alert v. EPA)
For Immediate Release – [Download PDF] Berkeley, CA (June 13, 2023) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a long-awaited final rule governing oil spill response that may better safeguard the health of millions of people living on United States coastlines, rivers, and even highways where oil spills occur. Prompted by a lawsuit…

What the Ohio Train Derailment and the BP Oil Spill Have in Common
Thirteen years after the BP oil spill, lessons learned from this disaster could help save lives in the aftermath of the East Palestine train disaster. By Riki Ott, Director of the ALERT Project. The Northern Suffolk (NS) disaster response in East Palestine, Ohio, is playing out with frustrating similarity to the BP Deepwater Horizon…

The Guardian: They cleaned up BP’s massive oil spill. Now they’re sick – and want justice
Today, on the thirteenth anniversary of the BP oil Spill, The Guardian published an in-depth piece on the human health crisis that was left in the wake of the disaster.

Tampa Bay Times: Florida workers got sick after Deepwater Horizon oil spill. They want BP to pay.
Tampa Bay Times reports on the more than 5,000 lawsuits filed in federal courts in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida.

Petition to OSHA calls for the critical protection of oil spill workers
For Immediate Release Contact: Riki Ott, ALERT Project, 206-853-2855, [email protected] Labor and Health Advocates and Tribal Emergency Management Councils Call for OSHA to Protect Oil Spill Workers OSHA’s reporting standards keep symptoms of toxic exposure from being recorded BERKELEY, CA (February 13, 2023) — Today, in an act of solidarity, labor, commercial…

Court case piques Congressional interest and oversight / EPA’s second status report reveals intent to finalize rule without current science
July 28, 2022. U.S. Senator Markey and U.S. Representatives Barragán and Khanna sent an oversight letter to EPA, urging it to update and strengthen its proposed rule on dispersant use before finalizing it based on current science. The letter states, “New scientific research has demonstrated an urgent need for stronger regulations that better reflect the…

ALERT requests Letter of Interpretation for OSHA cold/flu exemption
July 7, 2022. ALERT requested a letter of interpretation from OSHA of 1904.5(b)(2)(viii), an exemption to recording and reportability of an illness, which states an employer is “not required to record illnesses or injuries if… [t]he illness is the common cold or flu.” Specifically, ALERT asked how OSHA determines whether the common cold and flu is the source of an…

ALERT petitions EPA to supplement its 2015 proposed rule with current science
June 23, 2020. An ALERT coalition of individuals, environmental justice, and climate justice groups took action to step up pressure on EPA to ensure that the regulatory process considers the new data and information. The coalition petitioned EPA to supplement its 2015 proposed rule with current science before finalizing the rule in May 2023.…

EPA reply to September 2021 letter inspires no confidence
May 16, 2022. Nearly six months after receiving a coalition letter from ALERT, EPA replied, stating that the agency and Dept. of Justice decided not to appeal the federal district court decision and that it “is working through its action development process to ensure a final rule” by the court-ordered deadline of View EPA’s…

EPA’s first status report fails to report on key issue
February 2, 2022. EPA’s first status report fails to provide an update on one of the key arguments it used in court to delay the final rule until 2023. Over a year ago on May 20, 2021, EPA told the court that the oil industry had blocked access to the reference oils that EPA needed…

Atypical dispersant use monitoring rules go into effect
January 24, 2022. Despite last-minute efforts by ALERT, neither the executive nor the legislative branch could stop the rollout of EPA’s final rule on environmental monitoring of “atypical dispersant use situations.” This was defined as “[a]ny subsurface use of dispersant in response to an oil discharge, surface use of dispersant in response to oil…

Gulf Coast Community Organizations & Allies for Environmental Justice Request President to Withdraw Rule on Dispersant Use Before It Goes into Effect
For Immediate Release Contacts: Riki Ott, Founder/Director, ALERT, a project of Earth Island Institute 206-853-2855, [email protected] Lesley Pacey, Founder/Director, Eastern Shore Community Health Partners, a Mobile Bay, Alabama, initiative to research chronic disease clusters 251-990-3515, [email protected] Berkeley, CA (January 18, 2022) — This week, a group of environmental-justice advocates and allies are calling on…

ALERT, Gulf Coast and other allies for environmental justice request action from U.S. President
December 27, 2021. ALERT, Gulf coast community organizations, and other allies for environmental justice sent a letter to President Biden requesting two immediate actions in relation to ongoing dispersant litigation and the associated EPA rulemaking: 1) Order EPA to withdraw its final rule on monitoring of atypical dispersant use, issued on July 27, 2021, before…

EPA drops appeal & Upcoming Court Dates
ALERT, Gulf Coast allies request action from EPA Administrator September 30, 2021. Gulf coast community organizations and allies for environmental justice sent a letter to EPA Administrator Regan requesting four immediate actions in relation to ongoing dispersant litigation and the associated EPA rulemaking: Let the August 9, 2021, court decision stand – do not appeal…

ALERT, Gulf Coast allies request action from EPA Administrator
September 30, 2021. Gulf coast community organizations and allies for environmental justice sent a letter to EPA Administrator Regan requesting four immediate actions in relation to ongoing dispersant litigation and the associated EPA rulemaking: Let the August 9, 2021, court decision stand – do not appeal it. Withdraw the final rule on monitoring for…

One step almost forward, two steps definitely backward – EPA pulls a fast one
On July 27, just weeks after the court indicated its inclination to rule in favor of the public interest in ALERT’s lawsuit on rules governing dispersant use, the EPA split its long-delayed final rule in two. The result is a further delay of the rules governing dispersant use while rushing ahead with a rule to monitor…

Court victory!
August 9, 2021. A federal district court ruled in favor of the public interest by ordering the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to update its decades-old regulations on the use of toxic chemical dispersants in oil spill responses. Specifically, the court ruled that EPA now has a mandatory “duty to update the NCP when there…

EPA pulls a fast one – Issues final rule on monitoring of “atypical dispersant use”
A federal district court ruled in favor of the public interest by ordering the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to update its decades-old regulations on the use of toxic chemical dispersants in oil spill responses. Specifically, the court ruled that EPA now has a mandatory “duty to update the NCP when there is…

Judge leans in favor of ALERT at hearing on summary judgment
EPA files its opposition to ALERT’s MSJ and its own Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment May 20, 2021. In this dual-purpose filing, EPA first countered, and then asked the Court to deny, the plaintiffs’ requests for summary judgment on our unreasonable delay claim and our injunctive relief. Then EPA asked the court for summary judgment in…